Ocean Photography

Digital Photography Books

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Kabili, J. and G. Patricia Seybold (2004). Photoshop Elements 2: complete course. Hoboken, N.J., John Wiley.

Karlins, D. (2004). Pc magazine printing great digital photos. Indianapolis, IN, Wiley Pub.

Karlins, D. (2004). Printing great digital photos. Hoboken, N.J.; Chichester, Wiley.

Kasai, A. and R. Sparkman (1997). Essentials of digital photography. Indianapolis, Ind., New Riders.

Kearton, R. and C. Kearton (1897). With nature and a camera: being the adventures and observations of a field naturalist and an animal photographer. London, Cassell.

Kelby, S. (2001). Photoshop: photo-retouching secrets. [Indianapolis, Ind.; Great Britain], New Riders Publishing.

Kelby, S. (2003). The Photoshop book for digital photographers. [Indianapolis, Ind.], New Riders Pub.

Kelby, S. (2003). The Photoshop cs book for digital photographers. Indianapolis, Ind., New Riders.

Kim, J. and Youngjin.com (2003). 40 digital photography techniques. Seoul, Youngjin.com.

King Julie, A. (1998). Adobe PhotoDeluxe for dummies. Foster City, Calif., IDG Books Worldwide.

King, J. A. (2002). Digital photography for dummies. New York; Chichester, Wiley.

King, J. A. (2002). Photo retouching & restoration for dummies. New York, Hungry Minds.

King, J. A. (2003). Shoot like a pro! digital photography techniques. New York; London, McGraw-Hill/Osborne.

King, J. A. (2003). Shooting & sharing digital photos for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.; [Great Britain], Wiley.

Kinkoph, S. (2003). Teach yourself visually restoration and retouching with Photoshop Elements 2. New York; Mississauga, John Wiley: maranGraphics.

Klijn, E., Y. d. Lusenet, et al. (2000). In the picture: preservation and digitisation of European photographic collections. Amsterdam, European Commission on Preservation and Access.

Knight, N., M. Sanders, et al. (2000). The impossible image: fashion photography in the digital age. London, Phaidon Press.

Kodak (1991). Photo CD countdown. [Hemel Hempstead], [Kodak].

Kojima, H. and T. Igarashi (1996). Digital image creation: insights into the new photography. Berkeley, CA, Peachpit Press.

Lacey, J. and J. Henshall (2003). Wedding and portrait photography. Mies; Hove, RotoVision.

Last Modified: 26 September 2005